
Blue Pearl Dentistry

Dentists located in Carthay, Los Angeles, CA

Dr. Huang provides his Carthay, Los Angeles, Ca, patients with the most effective orthodontics treatment options for the best results, including Invisalign providered by Dr. Huang and if needed a referral to an Orthodontist for traditional braces options, so patients of all ages can feel confident in their treatment and their appearance.

Orthodontics Q & A

Can orthodontic treatment help me have healthier teeth?

Yes; many people mistakenly think orthodontic treatment is only for cosmetic improvement. But by straightening your teeth, closing gaps and correcting poor bite patterns, it's easier to clean around teeth so they stay healthier and the risks of decay, gum disease, and tooth loss are greatly reduced. Plus, orthodontic treatment can also help treat temporomandibular joint disorder in some patients by realigning the bite pattern and reducing stress and strain on the jaw muscles.

How old must a child be to have braces?

That depends on the child's oral development and the issues they're facing. The American Academy of Orthodontists recommends children be evaluated for a potential need for orthodontic care by the time they're seven years old.

Some of my teeth are missing. Am I still able to have braces?

Absolutely. Straightening your teeth can actually help improve your bite pattern and make it easier to have restorative treatments to replace missing teeth, including dental implants and bridges. Dr. Huang will be able to evaluate your dental issues and overall oral health to determine a custom treatment plan that will help you look and feel your best.

Is Invisalign better than traditional braces?

Many patients prefer the convenience and “invisibility” of Invisalign, but they do tend to be more costly. Dr. Huang can discuss all your options during your consultation so you feel comfortable in making an informed decision about your care.

At what age am I “too old” for braces?

Braces can be worn at any age, as long as your teeth are healthy enough to support the shifting and realignment process. Before any treatment beings, Dr. Huang will perform a thorough exam that will uncover any potential issues, such as advanced gum disease that may need to be treated first.

Credit Card/ Debit/Cash, Insurance and PPO Plans Accepted


Blue Pearl Dentistry accepts dental PPO plans only. Please provide us with your insurance information before your office visit so that we can determine your eligibility and benefits. Please contact your insurance provider to verify that we are in your network.


Blue Pearl Dentistry provides custom payment plans for qualified patients. Please let us know if you need to initiate a custom payment plan and we will be happy to work with you. 


Our office offers the 6 month no interest plan or 24/48 month fixed interest plan. 

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Blue Shield
Delta Dental